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HomepageThe Presidency of the RepublicConstitutional Roles Of The President
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Constitutional Roles Of The President
First: The Role of the President of the Republic
The President of the Republic is the head of state and symbol of the nation's unity. He strives to ensure respect for the Constitution and safeguarding Lebanon's independence and territorial integrity, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution (Article 49).

Second: Election of the President of the Republic
Within not less than one month and not exceeding two months prior to the expiration of the term of office of the President of the Republic, the Chamber of Deputies shall convene at the invitation of the President of the Chamber to elect a new President of the Republic. If the Chamber is not so invited, it shall be held as de facto in session on the tenth day preceding the expiration of the President's term of office (Article 73).

The Chamber of Deputies convened to elect the President of the Republic, shall be considered an electoral body, not legislative assembly, and thus shall set all other business aside and proceed immediately to elect the Head of State (Article 75).

The President of the Republic shall be elected by secret ballot and by two-thirds majority of the Chamber of Deputies in the first session, with absolute majority in subsequent ballots being sufficient. The President's term is for six years, and he may not be re-elected until six years have elapsed since the expiration of his term. No one may be elected to the Presidency who does not meet the conditions of eligibility to the Chamber of Deputies and legality of nomination to the said Chamber (Article 49).

Upon assuming office, the President of the Republic shall, before the Chamber of Deputies, take the oath of fealty to Nation and Constitution (Article 50).

Third: The Prerogatives of the President of the Republic
The President of the Republic enjoys prerogatives that he exercises before both the Legislature (1) and the Executive (2).

1- The Prerogatives of the President of the Republic before the Legislature:
  • a - The President of the Republic, in agreement with the Prime Minister, may invite the President of the Chamber of Deputies to hold extraordinary sessions (Article 33).
  • b - The President of the Republic may postpone convening of the Chamber for a period not exceeding one month (Article 59).
  • c - The President of the Republic may, in certain specific instances, request the Council of Ministers (Cabinet) to dissolve the Parliament (Chamber of Deputies) before the expiration of its mandate. If the Council of Ministers decides to dissolve the Parliament, the President of the Republic shall issue a decree of dissolution (Article 55).
  • d - The President of the Republic promulgates laws within the deadlines set by the Constitution and requests the publication of these laws (Article 51).
  • e - The President of the Republic may request, after briefing the Council of Ministers, that a law be reconsidered; this reconsideration shall be once only and within the period prescribed for its promulgation (Article 57).
  • f - The President of the Republic may turn to the Constitutional Council for monitoring of the constitutionality of laws (Article 19).
  • g - If forty days have elapsed on an urgent bill proposed to Parliament and included in the agenda of a regular session of the Council of Ministers without having been discussed, the President of the Republic may issue a decree for implementation of the said bill, after approval by the Council of Ministers (Article 58).
  • h - The President of the Republic may propose reconsideration of the Constitution, whereupon the Cabinet shall submit a draft bill to Parliament (Article 76).
  • i - The President of the Republic issues the law amending the Constitution, and he may within the duration set for issuance request Parliament, after briefing the Council of Ministers, to discuss the bill anew (Article 79).
  • j - As an exception to the rule of impermissibility to open an exceptional credit facility except by a special law, the President of the Republic may, if emergency circumstances call for urgent expenditures, issue a decree based on a decision by the Council of Ministers to open an exceptional credit facility. Such measures must be submitted to Parliament for approval at its first convening immediately thereafter (Article 85).
  • k - Discussion by Parliament of the draft budget proposal is a basic condition for the Executive’s exercise of its functions in full as these functions require funds. Consequently, in order not to give Parliament the power to obstruct the work of the Government, should Parliament fail to reach a final decision on the draft budget before conclusion of the designated session, the President of the Republic may, in agreement with the Prime Minister, call immediately for an extraordinary session of Parliament that extends till January in order to continue deliberation of the budget. If this session also ends without a final decision on the budget, the Council of Ministers may decide, based on a decree issued by the President of the Republic, that the draft budget as presented to Parliament is lawful and in force (Article 86).

2- The Prerogatives of the President of the Republic before the Executive:
  • a - The President of the Republic designates the Prime Minister, in consultation with the President of the Parliament, based on Parliamentary consultations that are binding and that he officially briefs the latter on. The designation of the Prime Minister is by a separate decree (Article 53/ 2 and 3).
  • b - The President of the Republic issues, in agreement with the Prime Minister, the decree appointing the Cabinet (Article 53/4).
  • c - The President of the Republic issues, in agreement with the Prime Minister, the decrees accepting ministers’ resignation or dismissal, after obtainment of two-thirds approval by the Cabinet (Articles 53/4 and 69/2).
  • d - The President of the Republic issues the decrees accepting the resignation of the Cabinet or presuming it resigned (Article 53/5).
  • e - The President of the Republic may preside over the Council of Ministers whenever he deems fit, without participating in voting (Article 53/1). The Prime Minister notifies him in advance of the items entered on the agenda of the Council and any urgent matter to be deliberated (Article 64/6). The President of the Republic may introduce, from outside the agenda, any urgent matter to the Council of Ministers (Article 53/11).
  • f - The President of the Republic issues decrees and requests their publication. He may ask the Council of Ministers to reconsider any decision taken, within fifteen days of the date of its deposition in the Presidency (Article 56).
  • g - The President of the Republic may, in agreement with the Prime Minister, call for an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers whenever he deems it necessary (Article 53/12).
  • h - The President of the Republic forwards to the Chamber of Deputies bills that are conveyed to him by the Council of Ministers. He may, when necessary, address messages to the Chamber of Deputies (Article 53/6 and 10).
  • i - The President of the Republic accredits ambassadors and accepts the credentials of ambassadors (Article 53/7). He negotiates and ratifies international treaties, in agreement with the Prime Minister. However, some treaties are only considered ratified following approval by Parliament (Article 52).
  • j - The President of the Republic presides over official functions and awards official decorations by decree (Article 53/8).
  • k - The President of the Republic grants special amnesties by decree (Article 53/9).